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(non lo nego)

  • 1 non dico di no

    non dico di no
    (non lo nego) I won't deny it; (accetto) I wouldn't say no
    →  dire

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > non dico di no

  • 2 nego

    nĕgo, āre, āvi, ātum    - intr. et tr. - dire non, nier, refuser, ne pas vouloir.    - Diogenes negat, Antipater ait, Cic. Off. 3: Diogène dit non, Antipater dit oui.    - negare + prop. inf.: nier que, dire que ne pas.    - negat se credere: il affirme qu'il ne croit pas.    - negat hanc esse cognatam, Ter.: il la renie pour sa parente.    - factum id esse negat, Ter.: il se défend de l'avoir fait.    - non posse negare quin, Liv.: ne pouvoir nier que.    - negabat cessandum et (s.-ent. dicebat) confligendum, Liv. 35: il disait qu'il ne fallait pas attendre, mais combattre.    - negat se nec suspicari, Cic. Ac. 1: il dit qu'il ne soupçonne même pas. (la seconde négation ne nie pas la première).    - negare deos, Macr.: nier l'existence des dieux.    - vis facta negabitur, Cic.: on niera l'emploi de la force.    - quum sis domi, saepe negaris, Mart.: maintes fois, quand tu es à la maison, on dit que tu es absent.    - aliquid alicui negare: refuser qqch à qqn.    - alicui negare: dire non à qqn.    - negare alicui praecise, Cic.: répondre à qqn par un refus bien sec.    - negare petitioni, Plin.-jn.: repousser une demande.    - negare caenis, Mart.: refuser une invitation à dîner.    - (Hannibalem) pelli vitā negabam, Sil.: je ne voulais pas qu'Hannibal mourût.    - illi membra negant, Stat.: les forces lui manquent.    - negans stimulis, Luc.: (cheval) insensible à l'éperon.    - saxa negantia ferro, Stat.: murs qui résistent au fer, murs inexpugnables.    - negare civitatem alicui, Suet.: refuser le droit de cité à qqn.    - negare + inf.: refuser de.    - non ego me vinclis verberibusque nego, Tib. 2: moi, non, je ne me refuse pas aux liens et aux coups.
    * * *
    nĕgo, āre, āvi, ātum    - intr. et tr. - dire non, nier, refuser, ne pas vouloir.    - Diogenes negat, Antipater ait, Cic. Off. 3: Diogène dit non, Antipater dit oui.    - negare + prop. inf.: nier que, dire que ne pas.    - negat se credere: il affirme qu'il ne croit pas.    - negat hanc esse cognatam, Ter.: il la renie pour sa parente.    - factum id esse negat, Ter.: il se défend de l'avoir fait.    - non posse negare quin, Liv.: ne pouvoir nier que.    - negabat cessandum et (s.-ent. dicebat) confligendum, Liv. 35: il disait qu'il ne fallait pas attendre, mais combattre.    - negat se nec suspicari, Cic. Ac. 1: il dit qu'il ne soupçonne même pas. (la seconde négation ne nie pas la première).    - negare deos, Macr.: nier l'existence des dieux.    - vis facta negabitur, Cic.: on niera l'emploi de la force.    - quum sis domi, saepe negaris, Mart.: maintes fois, quand tu es à la maison, on dit que tu es absent.    - aliquid alicui negare: refuser qqch à qqn.    - alicui negare: dire non à qqn.    - negare alicui praecise, Cic.: répondre à qqn par un refus bien sec.    - negare petitioni, Plin.-jn.: repousser une demande.    - negare caenis, Mart.: refuser une invitation à dîner.    - (Hannibalem) pelli vitā negabam, Sil.: je ne voulais pas qu'Hannibal mourût.    - illi membra negant, Stat.: les forces lui manquent.    - negans stimulis, Luc.: (cheval) insensible à l'éperon.    - saxa negantia ferro, Stat.: murs qui résistent au fer, murs inexpugnables.    - negare civitatem alicui, Suet.: refuser le droit de cité à qqn.    - negare + inf.: refuser de.    - non ego me vinclis verberibusque nego, Tib. 2: moi, non, je ne me refuse pas aux liens et aux coups.
    * * *
        Nego, negas, negare. Terent. Dire que non, Nier.
        Negare. Terent. Refuser de faire quelque chose, Esconduire.
        Praecise negare alicui. Cic. Nier rondement quelque chose à aucun, Nier tout à trac, Luy en coupper la broche.
        Natura negauit mihi formam. Ouid. Ne m'a point donné, etc.
        Stimulis negat equus. Lucan. hoc est, non obedit. Quand il refuse à l'esperon, Quand il n'obeit point à l'esperon, Quand il ne veult aller pour coup d'esperon qu'on luy puisse bailler.
        Veniam negare. Ouid. Refuser pardon.
        Negato esse ituram. Plaut. Di qu'elle n'yra point.
        Negant enim quenquam virum bonum esse, nisi sapientem. Cic. Ils nient qu'il y ait, etc. Ils dient qu'il n'y a point de, etc.
        Negaris esse domi. Mart. On dict que tu n'es point en la maison.
        Negatus esse in Tarentino agro picus Martius. Plin. On dict qu'il n'y a point, etc.

    Dictionarium latinogallicum > nego

  • 3 nego

    nego, āvī, ātum, āre (viell. v. ne u. aio), I) intr. nein sagen (Ggstz. aio), negat quis: nego; ait: aio, Ter.: Diogenes ait, Antipater negat, Cic. – m. Dat. pers., jmdm., mit Dat. rei, auf etw. eine abschlägige Antwort geben, saepius idem roganti, Cic.: petitioni, Trai. in Plin. ep.: cenis, Mart.: übtr., v. lebl. Subjj., illi membra negant, Stat.: saxa negantia ferro, Stat. – II) tr. etwas verneinen, A) eine Behauptung = sagen, behaupten, versichern, daß nicht usw., etw. leugnen (Ggstz. dicere, confiteri), α) m. Acc.: crimen (Beschuldigung), Cic. u. Quint.: deos, Sen.: omne euangelium, Tert.: debitor usuram pariter sortemque negabit, wird ableugnen, Mart. 5, 42, 3. – β) m. folg. Acc. u. Infin., nego ullum fas fuisse, Cic.: negat verum esse allici benevolentiam cibo, Cic.: neget per omnes deos se meminisse, Tibull.: quorum alterum neque nego neque infitias eo, nos enixe operam dedisse, ut etc., Liv.: übtr., v. lebl. Subjj., negat ratio animum credere posse, Lucr.: sin (arenae) in sua posse negabunt ire loca, Verg.: et hoc negat (phaselus ille) minacis Adriatici negare litus, und dieses, meint sie, leugnet nicht Adrias bedrohliches Ufer, Catull. 4, 6 sq. – mit folg. Negation, die die Verneinung nicht aufhebt (vgl. Görenz Cic. Acad. 2, 79), negato mihi esse nec quod dem mutuom, Plaut.: negat nec suspicari, Cic. – Stehen zwei Sätze bei nego, so ist für das zweite Satzglied oft ein affirmatives verbum dicendi zu ergänzen, negabat cessandum et utique prius confligendum, Cic. – im Passiv, negor etc. m. folg. Nom. u. Infin., man sagt, daß ich (du, er, sie, es) nicht, casta (sc. esse) negor, Ov.: ibi vis facta (esse) negabitur, Cic.: quod auspicari tamquam invisi diis immortalibus negarentur posse, Liv.: vitis carbunculare negatur, Plin.: aber auch negatur mit folg. Acc. u. Infin., negarine ullo modo possit, numquam quemquam stabili et firmo et magno animo effici posse, Cic.: negandum est esse deos, Cic. – γ) non negare m. folg. quin u. Konj., negare non posse, quin rectius sit exercitum mitti, Liv. 40, 36, 2: negari non potest, quin bonum sit, Lact. 3, 11, 9. – δ) absol. = leugnen, factum est: non nego, Ter.: si fateris... si negas, Cic.: ne nega! verred' es nicht! Ter. – B) eine Bitte usw. verneinen = etw. versagen, verweigern, abschlagen, sich weigern zu usw., postquam id obstinate sibi negari vidit, Caes.: auxilium Veientibus, Liv.: spem patriae, Ov.: alci civitatem, Suet.: sibi omnia, sich alles versagen, allem entsagen, Sen.: officium alci negare non posse, Suet.: poet., vela ventis, die S. einziehen, Ov.: se vinculis, sich entziehen, Ov.: comitem (sc. se), sich nicht zum Begleiter hergeben wollen, Ov.: poma negat regio, Ov.: illa se negat, schlägt es ab, will nicht, Ter.: belle negandum (est), si qui roget, ut etc., Q. Cic. – m. folg. Infin., nos quoque ire negabamus, Ov. met. 14, 250: Leucothea nanti ferre negavit opem, Ov. ex Pont. 3, 6, 20: figurare varie nisi eruditis negatum est, Plin. ep. 3, 13, 3. – alci non neg. m. folg. quin u. Konj., adulescenti negare non potuit, quin eum arcesseret, Nep. Dion. 2, 2: u. so Verg. Aen. 10, 614. – m. folg. Acc. u. Infin., Hannibalem pelli negabam, wollte nicht, Sil.: quibus te propter aliquod officium necessitudinis adfuturum negaris, Cic. – m. bl. Dat. (wem), negare (es abschl.) nemini, Cic.: onmes hoc animo sunt, ut sibi te mentiri malint quam negare, Cic. – neutr. partic. subst., cupimus negata, wir begehren Versagtes, Ov. am. 3, 4, 17. – / Archaist. Konj. Pers. negassim, Plaut. asin. 503. – parag. Infin. Präs. Pass. negarier, Prud. perist. 7, 54.

    lateinisch-deutsches > nego

  • 4 nego

    nego, āvī, ātum, āre (viell. v. ne u. aio), I) intr. nein sagen (Ggstz. aio), negat quis: nego; ait: aio, Ter.: Diogenes ait, Antipater negat, Cic. – m. Dat. pers., jmdm., mit Dat. rei, auf etw. eine abschlägige Antwort geben, saepius idem roganti, Cic.: petitioni, Trai. in Plin. ep.: cenis, Mart.: übtr., v. lebl. Subjj., illi membra negant, Stat.: saxa negantia ferro, Stat. – II) tr. etwas verneinen, A) eine Behauptung = sagen, behaupten, versichern, daß nicht usw., etw. leugnen (Ggstz. dicere, confiteri), α) m. Acc.: crimen (Beschuldigung), Cic. u. Quint.: deos, Sen.: omne euangelium, Tert.: debitor usuram pariter sortemque negabit, wird ableugnen, Mart. 5, 42, 3. – β) m. folg. Acc. u. Infin., nego ullum fas fuisse, Cic.: negat verum esse allici benevolentiam cibo, Cic.: neget per omnes deos se meminisse, Tibull.: quorum alterum neque nego neque infitias eo, nos enixe operam dedisse, ut etc., Liv.: übtr., v. lebl. Subjj., negat ratio animum credere posse, Lucr.: sin (arenae) in sua posse negabunt ire loca, Verg.: et hoc negat (phaselus ille) minacis Adriatici negare litus, und dieses, meint sie, leugnet nicht Adrias bedrohliches Ufer, Catull. 4, 6 sq. – mit folg. Negation, die die Verneinung nicht aufhebt (vgl. Görenz Cic. Acad. 2, 79), negato mihi esse nec quod dem mutuom, Plaut.: negat nec suspicari, Cic. – Stehen zwei Sätze bei nego, so ist für das
    zweite Satzglied oft ein affirmatives verbum dicendi zu ergänzen, negabat cessandum et utique prius confligendum, Cic. – im Passiv, negor etc. m. folg. Nom. u. Infin., man sagt, daß ich (du, er, sie, es) nicht, casta (sc. esse) negor, Ov.: ibi vis facta (esse) negabitur, Cic.: quod auspicari tamquam invisi diis immortalibus negarentur posse, Liv.: vitis carbunculare negatur, Plin.: aber auch negatur mit folg. Acc. u. Infin., negarine ullo modo possit, numquam quemquam stabili et firmo et magno animo effici posse, Cic.: negandum est esse deos, Cic. – γ) non negare m. folg. quin u. Konj., negare non posse, quin rectius sit exercitum mitti, Liv. 40, 36, 2: negari non potest, quin bonum sit, Lact. 3, 11, 9. – δ) absol. = leugnen, factum est: non nego, Ter.: si fateris... si negas, Cic.: ne nega! verred' es nicht! Ter. – B) eine Bitte usw. verneinen = etw. versagen, verweigern, abschlagen, sich weigern zu usw., postquam id obstinate sibi negari vidit, Caes.: auxilium Veientibus, Liv.: spem patriae, Ov.: alci civitatem, Suet.: sibi omnia, sich alles versagen, allem entsagen, Sen.: officium alci negare non posse, Suet.: poet., vela ventis, die S. einziehen, Ov.: se vinculis, sich entziehen, Ov.: comitem (sc. se), sich nicht zum Begleiter hergeben wollen, Ov.: poma negat regio, Ov.: illa se negat, schlägt es ab, will nicht, Ter.: belle negandum (est), si qui roget, ut etc., Q. Cic. – m. folg. Infin., nos quoque ire negaba-
    mus, Ov. met. 14, 250: Leucothea nanti ferre negavit opem, Ov. ex Pont. 3, 6, 20: figurare varie nisi eruditis negatum est, Plin. ep. 3, 13, 3. – alci non neg. m. folg. quin u. Konj., adulescenti negare non potuit, quin eum arcesseret, Nep. Dion. 2, 2: u. so Verg. Aen. 10, 614. – m. folg. Acc. u. Infin., Hannibalem pelli negabam, wollte nicht, Sil.: quibus te propter aliquod officium necessitudinis adfuturum negaris, Cic. – m. bl. Dat. (wem), negare (es abschl.) nemini, Cic.: onmes hoc animo sunt, ut sibi te mentiri malint quam negare, Cic. – neutr. partic. subst., cupimus negata, wir begehren Versagtes, Ov. am. 3, 4, 17. – Archaist. Konj. Pers. negassim, Plaut. asin. 503. – parag. Infin. Präs. Pass. negarier, Prud. perist. 7, 54.

    Ausführliches Lateinisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch > nego

  • 5 nego

    nĕgo, āvi, ātum, 1 ( perf. subj. negāssim for negaverim, Plaut. As. 2, 4, 96.—Lengthened collat. form negumo: negumate in carmine Cn. Marci vatis significat negate, Paul. ex Fest. p. 165 Müll.; cf. Herm. Doct. Metr. p. 614), v. n. and a. [for ne-igo, ne and ajo, q. v.], to say no, to deny, refuse (opp. ajo, to say yes; v. ajo; cf.: abnuo, diffiteor, infitior).
    In gen.: vel ai, vel nega, say yes or no, Naev. ap. Prisc. p. 473 P.:

    vel tu mihi aias vel neges,

    Plaut. Rud. 2, 4, 14:

    negat quis? nego. Ait? aio,

    Ter. Eun. 2, 2, 21:

    Diogenes ait, Antipater negat,

    Cic. Off. 3, 23, 91:

    quasi ego id curem, quid ille aiat aut neget,

    id. Fin. 2, 22, 70:

    quia nunc aiunt, quod tunc negabant,

    id. Rab. Post. 12, 35.— With acc. and inf., to say or affirm that not, to deny that, etc.:

    Demosthenes negat, in eo positas esse fortunas Graeciae, hoc, etc.,

    Cic. Or. 8 fin.:

    Stoici negant quidquam esse bonum, nisi quod honestum sit,

    id. Fin. 2, 21, 68; id. de Or. 3, 14, 54:

    nego, ullam picturam fuisse, quin abstulerit,

    id. Verr. 2, 4, 1, § 1; Caes. B. G. 6, 31.—With quoniam (eccl. Lat.):

    negat quoniam Jesus est Christus,

    Vulg. 1 Joann. 2, 22.—Sometimes two propositions depend upon nego, with the latter of which an affirmative verb (dico, etc.) is to be supplied:

    plerique negant Caesarem in condicione mansurum: postulataque haec ab eo interposita esse, etc.,

    Cic. Att. 7, 15, 3:

    negabat cessandum et utique prius confligendum,

    Liv. 35, 1:

    ille negat se Numidam pertimescere, virtuti suorum credere,

    Sall. J. 106, 3; Vell. 2, 118, 5; Ter. Phorm. 2, 3, 6.—Sometimes another negation follows, which, however, does not destroy the first:

    negat nec suspicari,

    Cic. Ac. 1, 2, 7:

    negato esse nec mu, nec mutuum,

    Plaut. Stich. 1, 3, 101:

    tu autem te negas infracto remo, neque columbae collo, commoveri,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 25, 79.—
    Pass. with inf., they say I am not, etc.:

    casta negor (sc. esse),

    Ov. F. 4, 321:

    saepe domi non es, cum sis quoque saepe negaris,

    Mart. 2, 5, 5:

    ex eo negantur ibi ranae coaxare,

    Suet. Aug. 94:

    ciconiae pullum qui ederit, negatur annis continuis lippiturus,

    Plin. 29, 6, 38, § 128.—
    In partic.
    To deny a thing;

    factum est: non nego,

    Ter. Ad. 5, 3, 12;

    opp. fateri,

    Cic. Brut. 19, 76:

    sed posthac omnia, quae certa non erunt, pro certo negato,

    id. Att. 5, 21, 5:

    negaturum aut me pro M. Fulvio, aut ipsum M. Fulvium censetis?

    Liv. 38, 43:

    negando minuendove,

    Suet. Caes. 66:

    mitto enim domestica, quae negari possunt,

    i. e. the proof of which can be suppressed, Cic. Pis. 5, 11:

    videant servi ne quis neget,

    Juv. 10, 87.— With quin:

    negare non posse, quin rectius sit, etc.,

    Liv. 40, 36:

    quod si negari non potest, quin, etc.,

    Lact. 5, 23 init.
    To deny, refuse: quicquam quisquam cuiquam, quod ei conveniat, neget, Enn. ap. Auct. Her. 4, 12, 18 (Trag. v. 448 Vahl.):

    numquam reo cuiquam tam praecise negavi, quam hic mihi,

    Cic. Att. 8, 4, 2:

    postquam id obstinate sibi negari videt,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 6:

    alicui impune negare,

    Ov. M. 13, 741:

    patriae opem,

    id. H. 3, 96:


    id. Tr. 5, 8, 13:

    civitatem alicui,

    Suet. Aug. 40:

    non ego me vinclis verberibusque nego,

    Tib. 2, 3, 80; Luc. 8, 3:

    exstingui primordia tanta negabam,

    Sil. 9, 532:

    neque enim negare tibi quidquam potest,

    Vulg. 3 Reg. 2, 17.—
    Se, to refuse (ante class.):

    obsecrat, Ut sibi ejus faciat copiam: illa enim se negat,

    Ter. Phorm. 1, 2, 63; id. Hec. 1, 2, 45.—
    E s p., to decline an invitation:

    invitatus ad haec aliquis de ponte negabit,

    Juv. 14, 135.—
    Transf., of inanim. things ( poet.):

    poma negat regio,

    i. e. does not yield, produce, Ov. Tr. 3, 10, 73:

    nec mihi materiam bellatrix Roma negabat,

    id. ib. 2, 321:

    pars ventis vela negare,

    i. e. to furl the sails, Ov. M. 11, 487:

    si dextra neget,

    Stat. Th. 6, 553:

    saxa negantia ferro,

    opposing, id. Silv. 3, 1:

    illi membra negant,

    his limbs fail him, id. Th. 2, 668.—
    To deny any knowledge of, to reject (with acc. of persons;

    eccl. Lat.): negaverunt Dominum,

    Vulg. Jer. 5, 12:

    qui me negaverit,

    ib. Matt. 10, 33: Christum negantes, ib. Judae, 4.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > nego

  • 6 negō

        negō āvī, ātus, āre    [3 AG-], to say no, deny, refuse (opp. aio): Negat quis? nego. ait? aio, T.: Diogenes ait, Antipater negat: nunc aiunt, quod tunc negabant: non facile Gallos Gallis negare potuisse, Cs.: negant quicquam esse bonum, nisi, etc.: damnare negatur hanc Venerem pietas, O.: casta negor (sc. esse), they say I am not, O.: negat se Numidam pertimescere, virtuti suorum credere (sc. ait), S.—A second negation does not destroy the first: negat ne suspicari.— Not to assent, deny: factum est; non nego, T.: omnia, quae certa non erunt, pro certo negato: negaturum aut me pro M. Fulvio, aut ipsum Fulvium censetis? L.: mitto enim domestica, quae negari possunt, i. e. the proof of which can be suppressed: negare non posse, quin rectius sit, etc., L.— Not to consent, deny, refuse: invitatus ad haec negabit, will decline, Iu.: (oscula), H.: victum, V.: numquam reo cuiquam tam praecise negavi, quam hic mihi: postquam id obstinate sibi negari videt, Cs.: negat quis carmina Gallo? V.: mea dicta demittere in aurīs, V.: Ire, O.: adulescenti negare, quin eum arcesseret, N.: uxorem ut ducat orare occipit... Ille primo se negare, refuse, T.: Poma negat regio, i. e. does not produce, O.: pars ventis vela negare, i. e. furl, O.
    * * *
    negare, additional forms V
    deny, refuse; say... not
    negare, negavi, negatus V
    deny, refuse; say... not

    Latin-English dictionary > negō

  • 7 non lo sa (nemmeno) l'aria

    ± все шито-крыто:

    Corallina. — Assolutamente non v'è altro rimedio che venire una mattina da me.

    Rosaura. — E se si viene a sapere?
    Corallina. — Non lo saprà nemmeno l'aria. (C.Goldoni, «La serva amorosa»)
    Кораллина. — Тут уж никакое средство вам не поможет, разве что вы решитесь как-нибудь утречком прийти ко мне домой.
    Розаура. — А вдруг кто узнает?
    Кораллина.— Все будет шито-крыто.

    «Fidanzata ad altro?» domandò don Cosmo, fermandosi.

    «No, no, ufficialmente noi» negò subito Capolino. «Ma... zitto pero, mi raccomando, non deve saperlo neanche l'aria. (L.Pirandello, «I vecchi e i giovani»)
    — Помолвлена не с ним? — спросил дон Космо, остановившись.
    — О нет, официально нет! — поспешил опровергнуть Каполино. — Но... молчок, прошу вас, сб этом не следует даже заикаться.

    Frasario italiano-russo > non lo sa (nemmeno) l'aria

  • 8 Quod non

    = Quod nego
    "Это - нет", отнюдь нет, ни в коем случае.
    Формула категорического отрицания или отказа в чем-либо.
    Боркхейм обратился сначала к Кинкелю, чтобы получить деньги на проезд для Освальда из революционного фонда. Но Готфрид ответил: quod non. (Боркхейму, когда он был в Цюрихе, удалось таким путем достать денег на проезд в Америку для Аннеке). Американская миссия также не дает ни гроша. (К. Маркс - Ф. Энгельсу, 28.IX 1861.)
    Вы нашли противоречие в моем письме: с одной стороны, я прошу прислать мне Ваш летний адрес, а с другой - пишу, что последняя статья будет доставлена к 25 сентября. Противоречия тут нет, quod nego: если четвертая статья будет доставлена к 25 сентября, то третья должна быть доставлена к 25 августа, вторая к 25 июля, первая к 25 июня: летний адрес необходим. (С. М. Соловьев - М. М. Стасюлевичу, 8.IV 1877.)

    Латинско-русский словарь крылатых слов и выражений > Quod non

  • 9 An non spiritus existunt?

    Литература покамест разрабатывает, преимущественно в очерках г. Помяловского, одну его [ быта ] сторону, кряжевого человека, Твердой ногой завоевывающего себе известное первенство в той или иной сфере жизни, тем или другим путем, положительным или отрицательным, что совершенно все равно. Выбор пути зависит здесь от обстоятельств времени и жизненной обстановки, хотя народная точка зрения есть всегда отрицание. На отрицании кряжевой семинарист воспитался. An non spiritus existunt?.. дается ему задача: если она дана положительно, он говорит и должен сказать: nego [ Отрицаю (лат.) - авт. ] и своей негоцией, своим отрицанием добиться первенства в этом вопросе. (А. А. Григорьев, Мои литературные и нравственные скитальчества.)

    Латинско-русский словарь крылатых слов и выражений > An non spiritus existunt?

  • 10 Quod nego

    Латинско-русский словарь крылатых слов и выражений > Quod nego

  • 11 dire

    1. v/t say
    ( raccontare) tell
    dire qualcosa a qualcuno tell someone something
    vale a dire that is, in other words
    a dire il vero to tell the truth
    come si dice... in inglese? what's the English for... ?
    voler dire mean
    2. v/i dire bene di qualcuno speak highly of someone
    dico sul serio I'm serious
    3. m: per sentito dire by hearsay
    hai un bel dire say what you like
    * * *
    dire v.tr.
    1 ( nel senso di enunciare, affermare e quando introduce un discorso diretto) to say*; ( nel senso di raccontare, riferire, informare, se è indicata la persona cui si parla) to tell*: ''Aspettatemi'', ci disse, ''Wait for me'', he said to us; come si dice in francese?, how do you say that in French?; di' alla mamma che egli è qui, tell your mother he is here; dice che ha fame, di aver fame, he says he is hungry; dimmi!, tell me!; diteci il vostro nome!, tell us your name!; ho detto quel che dovevo, I had my say (o I said my piece); le dissero che era ora di partire, she was told it was time to leave; la mamma ci dice sempre: ''Siate prudenti'', our mother always says to us: ''Be careful''; me lo disse tuo padre, your father told me (so); non ho compreso ciò che hai detto, I didn't understand what you said; ti dirò qlco. di interessante, I'll tell you sthg. interesting; ti dirò quel che ho visto, I'll tell you what I saw; ditegli di entrare!, tell him to come in!; fate come vi ho detto!, do as you are told! (o as I say); mi disse di informarla subito, he told me to let her know at once // mi si dice, mi dicono che..., I am told that...; si dice che..., (corre voce che...) it is said (o there is a rumour) that...: si dice che io sia severo, I am said to be strict (o they say I am strict); si direbbe che..., si sarebbe detto che..., one would say that..., one would have said that...; si direbbe ( che sia) un acquerello, you would say it is a watercolour; si direbbe che sia piovuto, you would say that it has been raining; si direbbe che stia per piovere, one would say that it's going to rain (o it looks like rain); che avete detto?, ( per chiedere di ripetere) I beg your pardon?; che cosa dirà la gente?, what will people say?; come si suol dire, as they say // così dicendo..., with these words... // lasciate dire una parola anche a me, let me get a word in; non ha detto una parola, he didn't say a word // dire bugie, la verità, to tell lies, the truth // dire buongiorno, buonanotte, arrivederci a qlcu., to say good morning, goodnight, goodbye to s.o. (o to bid s.o. good morning, goodnight, goodbye) // dire di no, dire di sì, to say no, to say yes // dire male di qlcu., to speak badly (o ill) of s.o. // dire Messa, to say Mass // dire le preghiere, to say one's prayers; dire il rosario, to tell one's beads
    2 ( pensare) to think*: che cosa ne dici di quel quadro?, what do you think of that picture?; che cosa ne diresti di una bella passeggiata?, what would you say to a nice walk?; e dire che non ha che vent'anni!, and to think that he is only twenty!
    3 ( significare) to mean*; ( esprimere) to express; ( dimostrare) to show*: quel viso non dice nulla, that face has no expression; questa musica non mi dice niente, this music doesn't appeal to me; questo nome non mi dice niente, that name means nothing to me; questo ti dice quanto ti voglia bene, that shows you how much I love you // voler dire, to mean: che vuoi dire con ciò?, what do you mean by that?
    dirsi v.rifl. ( professarsi) to profess: il giovane si diceva figlio del re, the young man said he was the king's son; si dicevano nostri amici, they professed to be friends of ours.
    dire s.m. ( parole, discorso) words (pl.); talk; remarks (pl.); speech; ( affermazione) assertion, statement: a dire di tutti, according to what everyone says (o by all accounts); secondo il suo dire, according to him // arte del dire, rhetoric // oltre ogni dire, beyond all description (o indescribably) // hai un bel dire, non mi convinci!, talk as much as you like (o you can say what you like), you won't convince me! // fra il dire e il fare c'è di mezzo il mare, (prov.) (it's) easier said than done.
    * * *
    1. vt irreg
    1) (gen) to say

    dire qc a qn — to say sth to sb, tell sb sth

    disse che accettava — he said he would accept

    dicono o si dice che... — (impersonale) they say that..., it is said that...

    dicono o si dice che siano ricchissimi — they are said to be very rich, people say they are very rich

    come dicono gli inglesi — as the English say

    come si dice in inglese? — how do you say it in English?

    come si dice 'penna' in inglese? — what is the English for 'penna'?

    lascialo dire — (esprimersi) let him have his say, (ignoralo) just ignore him, don't take any notice of him

    non disse una parolahe didn't say o utter a word

    dicano pure quello che vogliono! — let them say what they like!

    sa quello che dice — he knows what he's talking about

    Roberta... — , dimmi — Roberta... — yes, what is it?

    dire di sì/no — to say yes/no

    "non ci vado" - disse — "I'm not going" - he said

    dica? (in negozio) what can I do for you?

    2) (raccontare, riferire, indicare) to tell

    dire a qn qc — to tell sb sth

    dire a qn di fare qc — to tell sb to do sth

    mi si dice che... — I am told that...

    può dirmi da che parte devo andare? — can you tell me which way to go?

    3) (significare) to mean

    ti dice niente questo nome? — does this name mean anything to you?, does this name ring a bell?

    come sarebbe a dire? — what do you mean?

    4) (recitare) to say, recite
    5) (pensare) to think

    chi l'avrebbe mai detto! — who would have thought it!

    cosa o che ne dici di questa musica? — what do you think of this music?

    che ne diresti di andarcene? — let's make a move, shall we?

    si direbbe che non menta — (impersonale) you would think he was telling the truth

    6) (ammettere) to say, admit

    devi dire che ha ragione — you must admit that he's right


    far dire qc a qn — to make sb say sth

    non me lo farò dire due volte — I won't need to be asked twice

    gliel' ho fatto dire dalla segretaria — I had his secretary tell him about it, I got his secretary to tell him about it

    mandare a dire qc a qn — (riferire) to let sb know sth


    dirsi — to say to o.s., (definirsi) to call o.s., claim to be, (uso reciproco) to say to each other

    "coraggio" - si disse — "come on" - he said to himself

    si dicono esperti — they claim to be experts

    si dissero addio — they said goodbye (to each other)

    si son detti qualcosa all'orecchio — they whispered something to one another


    (fraseologia) per così dire — so to speak

    sono stanco — e a me lo dici?! — I'm tired — me too!

    non c'è che dire — there's no doubt about it

    avere o a che dire con qn — to have words with sb

    e chi mi dice che è vero? — and who's to say that's true?

    dimmi con chi vai e ti dirò chi sei — (Proverbio) you can tell what somebody is like by the company they keep

    trovare da dire su qc/qn — to find fault with sth/sb

    l'idea mi stuzzica, non dico di no — the idea is tempting, I don't deny it

    non ti dico la scena! — you can't imagine the scene!

    per così dire — so to speak

    lo conosco per sentito dire — I've heard about him

    il che è tutto dire — need I say more?

    a dire il vero... — to tell the truth...

    2. sm
    * * *
    I 1. ['dire]
    verbo transitivo
    1) (proferire, pronunciare) to say*

    dire (di) sì, (di) no — to say yes, no

    "entrate" disse — "come in" he said

    come dice? (per fare ripetere) excuse me? pardon? sorry?

    dica pure!tell me! (a un cliente) can I help you?

    ehi, dico a te! — hey, you! I say!

    dir bene, male di qcn. — to speak well, ill of sb

    3) (recitare) to say* [ preghiera]; to recite [poesia, lezione]

    dire qcs. a qcn. — to tell sb. sth., to tell sth. to sb.

    dire a qcn. che — to tell sb. (that)

    lasciatelo dire, lascia che te lo dica... — let me tell you...

    ti dico che è vero! — it's true, I tell you!

    5) (raccontare) to tell* [bugie, verità]
    6) (affermare, sostenere) to say*

    c'è da dire che — one should say that, it should be said that

    la radio, il regolamento dice che — it says on the radio, in the rules that

    bisogna dirlo o diciamolo pure, la situazione è difficile — one must admit, the situation is difficult

    era scontento, per non dire furioso — he was displeased, not to say furious

    12) (esortare, ordinare, chiedere)

    dire a qcn. di fare — to tell sb. to do

    13) (obiettare, criticare)

    non c'è che dire, è bella — you have to admit, she's beautiful

    14) (pensare, giudicare)

    e dire che... — and to think that

    15) colloq. (per richiamare l'attenzione di qcn.)

    di' un po', mi credi? — tell me o what do you think, do you believe me?

    di' un po', dove credi di essere? — hey, where do you think you are?

    verbo pronominale dirsi
    1) (fra sé e sé) to tell* oneself, to say* to oneself

    possiamo dirci fortunati se arriveremo in tempo — we'll be doing well if we get there on time; (definirsi, spacciarsi)

    si diceva mio amico, medico — he claimed to be my friend, a doctor

    5) (designare, formulare in una lingua)

    come si dice "cane" in spagnolo? — how do you say "dog" in Spanish?


    questo la dice lungait says a lot o it speaks volumes (su about)

    avere a che dire con qcn. — = to quarrel with sb.

    dire le cose come stanno — = to speak plainly

    te lo dico io (ti assicuro) I can tell you

    andare a dire qcs. in giro — to tell the world about sth.

    così o tanto per dire let's just say; per così dire so to say; come si suol dire as they say; a dire il vero actually; è presto detto that's easier said than done; (sembra facile) it's easy for you to say; non è detto I'm not that sure; non è detto che costi carissimo it needn't cost a fortune; e chi lo dice? says who! who says? e chi mi, ti dice che... how do I, you know...; (ma) dico (io)! well, I must say! (ma) non mi dire! you don't tell o say! non mi dire che piove di nuovo! don't tell me o say it's raining again! non si può mai dire you never can tell; non dico di no (non lo nego) I won't deny it; (accetto) I wouldn't say no; a chi lo dici! you tell me! don't I know it! ho avuto una paura che non ti dico o da non -rsi I was frightened to death; i piedi mi fanno un male che non ti dico — my feet are killing me

    II ['dire]
    sostantivo maschile

    a dire di tuttiby o from all accounts


    tra il dire e il fare c'è di mezzo il mareprov. there's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip

    * * *
    /'dire/ [37]
     1 (proferire, pronunciare) to say*; dire (di) sì, (di) no to say yes, no; "entrate" disse "come in" he said; dire che to say (that); dice di essere malata she says she's ill; come dice? (per fare ripetere) excuse me? pardon? sorry? come hai detto? what did you say? dire sciocchezze to talk nonsense
     2 (parlare) dica pure! tell me! (a un cliente) can I help you? ehi, dico a te! hey, you! I say! dir bene, male di qcn. to speak well, ill of sb.
     3 (recitare) to say* [ preghiera]; to recite [poesia, lezione]
     4 (far sapere) to say*; (indicando a chi si parla) to tell*; dire qcs. a qcn. to tell sb. sth., to tell sth. to sb.; dire a qcn. che to tell sb. (that); così mi è stato detto so I've been told; lasciatelo dire, lascia che te lo dica... let me tell you...; ti dico che è vero! it's true, I tell you! qualcosa mi dice che non verrà something tells me he won't come
     5 (raccontare) to tell* [bugie, verità]
     6 (affermare, sostenere) to say*; se così si può dire if one might say so; c'è da dire che one should say that, it should be said that; non dico di essere un esperto I don't claim to be an expert; ho sentito dire che I heard that; so quel che dico I know what I'm talking about; la radio, il regolamento dice che it says on the radio, in the rules that; stando a quel che dicono i giornali from what the newspapers tell us
     7 (ammettere) bisogna dirlo o diciamolo pure, la situazione è difficile one must admit, the situation is difficult
     8 (dimostrare) questo ti dice quanto ti vuole bene this tells you how much he loves you
     9 (esprimere) questa musica non mi dice nulla this music doesn't say anything to me
     10 (formulare) ben detto! well said! come (posso) dire? how shall I put it? era scontento, per non dire furioso he was displeased, not to say furious
     11 (significare) vale a dire that is to say; come sarebbe a dire? what's the meaning of this?
     12 (esortare, ordinare, chiedere) dire a qcn. di fare to tell sb. to do; fa' ciò che ti si dice! do as you're told!
     13 (obiettare, criticare) avrà certamente qualcosa da dire al riguardo! she'll certainly have something to say about that! trovare da dire to find fault (su with); non c'è che dire, è bella you have to admit, she's beautiful
     14 (pensare, giudicare) che cosa ne dite? what do you think of it? che ne diresti di fare quattro passi? how about a little walk? what would you say to a little walk? e dire che... and to think that...
     15 colloq. (per richiamare l'attenzione di qcn.) di' un po', mi credi? tell me o what do you think, do you believe me? di' un po', dove credi di essere? hey, where do you think you are?
     16 (in costruzioni impersonali) dicono o si dice sia sposato they say he is married
     1 (fra sé e sé) to tell* oneself, to say* to oneself
     2 (l'un l'altro) - rsi tutto to tell each other everything; - rsi addio to say goodbye (to each other)
     3 (ritenersi) possiamo dirci fortunati se arriveremo in tempo we'll be doing well if we get there on time; (definirsi, spacciarsi) si diceva mio amico, medico he claimed to be my friend, a doctor
     4 (dichiararsi) si è detto pronto a prendere parte alla conferenza he said that he was prepared to take part in the conference
     5 (designare, formulare in una lingua) come si dice "cane" in spagnolo? how do you say "dog" in Spanish?
    questo la dice lunga it says a lot o it speaks volumes (su about); non se l'è fatto dire due volte! he didn't need telling twice! he didn't need to be told twice! non me l'ha mandato a dire and he told me in no uncertain terms; avere a che dire con qcn. = to quarrel with sb.; dire la propria to say one's piece; dire le cose come stanno = to speak plainly; l'avevo detto io! I told you so! te lo dico io (ti assicuro) I can tell you; (e) direi! of course! you bet(cha)! puoi dirlo forte! you can say that again! l'hai detto! you said it! si fa per dire it's only in a manner of speaking; andare a dire qcs. in giro to tell the world about sth.; volevo ben dire! I thought so! I guessed as much! come non detto! (let's) forget (about) it! detto fra noi between you and me; per sentito dire by hearsay; così o tanto per dire let's just say; per così dire so to say; come si suol dire as they say; a dire il vero actually; è presto detto that's easier said than done; (sembra facile) it's easy for you to say; non è detto I'm not that sure; non è detto che costi carissimo it needn't cost a fortune; e chi lo dice? says who! who says? e chi mi, ti dice che... how do I, you know...; (ma) dico (io)! well, I must say! (ma) non mi dire! you don't tell o say! non mi dire che piove di nuovo! don't tell me o say it's raining again! non si può mai dire you never can tell; non dico di no (non lo nego) I won't deny it; (accetto) I wouldn't say no; a chi lo dici! you tell me! don't I know it! ho avuto una paura che non ti dico o da non -rsi I was frightened to death; i piedi mi fanno un male che non ti dico my feet are killing me.
    See also notes... (dire.pdf)
    sostantivo m.
    a dire di tutti by o from all accounts; a suo dire according to him; hai un bel dire! that's easy for you to say!
    tra il dire e il fare c'è di mezzo il mare prov. there's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > dire

  • 12 отказаться

    2) ( отвергнуть) rifiutare, respingere
    3) (не признать своим, отречься) rinnegare, non riconoscere
    4) ( лишить себя) rinunciare
    * * *
    сов. - отказа́ться, несов. - отка́зываться

    отказа́ться от поездки — rinunciare al viaggio

    отказа́ться помочь — rifiutarsi di aiutare

    отказа́ться от своих слов — ritrattare vt; rimangiarsi ( quanto detto)

    не откажусь... — accetto volentieri (di)...

    2) ( отвергнуть) rifiutarsi; rispondere di no

    отказа́ться от данного обещания — recedere книжн. dalla parola data; rimangiarsi la promessa / la parola

    я не отказываюсь помочь, если меня просят — non mi nego a chi ha bisogno del mio aiuto

    * * *

    Universale dizionario russo-italiano > отказаться

  • 13 -F360

    di (или in, con) buona [mala, cattiva] fede

    [не]добросовестно; [не]искренне:

    — Non so chi lo pensi ancora, ma se ve n'è anc'oggi, sbagliano o in buona o in cattiva fede. (T. Lori, «Bufere sull'Arno»)

    — Не знаю, верит ли в возможность счастья без денег кто-нибудь и теперь, но если верит, то заблуждается, кто искренне, а кто — обманывая себя.

    ...quel caro, quel bravo uomo si prepara a rovinare del tutto me e te, oggi e domani nostro figlio, suo nipote. In buona fede, non lo nego; poiché la sua verità si chiama ricchezza.... (M. Puccini, «Scoperta del tempo»)

    ...этот милейший и честнейший человек сегодня собирается погубить нас, а впоследствии погубит и нашего сына, своего племянника. С самыми лучшими намерениями, не отрицаю. но он служит своему божеству, имя которому богатство.

    Barbieri. — Di chi sarebbe la colpa? Avanti, dica.

    Francesco. — Della crisi! Eh! Bisogna essere in mala fede per non riconoscerlo. (E. Possenti, «Questi ci vogliono»)
    Барбьери. — Так кто же виноват? Ну. выкладывайте.
    Франческо. — Кризис! Нужно быть недобросовестным, чтобы это отрицать.

    (Пример см. тж. - G2; - P867).

    Frasario italiano-russo > -F360

  • 14 отказаться

    сов. - отказаться, несов. - отказываться
    1) (выразить свое несогласие) rifiutarsi (di)
    не откажусь... — accetto volentieri (di)...
    2) ( отвергнуть) rifiutarsi; rispondere di no
    я не отказываюсь помочь, если меня просят — non mi nego a chi ha bisogno del mio aiuto

    Большой итальяно-русский словарь > отказаться

  • 15 negumo

    nĕgo, āvi, ātum, 1 ( perf. subj. negāssim for negaverim, Plaut. As. 2, 4, 96.—Lengthened collat. form negumo: negumate in carmine Cn. Marci vatis significat negate, Paul. ex Fest. p. 165 Müll.; cf. Herm. Doct. Metr. p. 614), v. n. and a. [for ne-igo, ne and ajo, q. v.], to say no, to deny, refuse (opp. ajo, to say yes; v. ajo; cf.: abnuo, diffiteor, infitior).
    In gen.: vel ai, vel nega, say yes or no, Naev. ap. Prisc. p. 473 P.:

    vel tu mihi aias vel neges,

    Plaut. Rud. 2, 4, 14:

    negat quis? nego. Ait? aio,

    Ter. Eun. 2, 2, 21:

    Diogenes ait, Antipater negat,

    Cic. Off. 3, 23, 91:

    quasi ego id curem, quid ille aiat aut neget,

    id. Fin. 2, 22, 70:

    quia nunc aiunt, quod tunc negabant,

    id. Rab. Post. 12, 35.— With acc. and inf., to say or affirm that not, to deny that, etc.:

    Demosthenes negat, in eo positas esse fortunas Graeciae, hoc, etc.,

    Cic. Or. 8 fin.:

    Stoici negant quidquam esse bonum, nisi quod honestum sit,

    id. Fin. 2, 21, 68; id. de Or. 3, 14, 54:

    nego, ullam picturam fuisse, quin abstulerit,

    id. Verr. 2, 4, 1, § 1; Caes. B. G. 6, 31.—With quoniam (eccl. Lat.):

    negat quoniam Jesus est Christus,

    Vulg. 1 Joann. 2, 22.—Sometimes two propositions depend upon nego, with the latter of which an affirmative verb (dico, etc.) is to be supplied:

    plerique negant Caesarem in condicione mansurum: postulataque haec ab eo interposita esse, etc.,

    Cic. Att. 7, 15, 3:

    negabat cessandum et utique prius confligendum,

    Liv. 35, 1:

    ille negat se Numidam pertimescere, virtuti suorum credere,

    Sall. J. 106, 3; Vell. 2, 118, 5; Ter. Phorm. 2, 3, 6.—Sometimes another negation follows, which, however, does not destroy the first:

    negat nec suspicari,

    Cic. Ac. 1, 2, 7:

    negato esse nec mu, nec mutuum,

    Plaut. Stich. 1, 3, 101:

    tu autem te negas infracto remo, neque columbae collo, commoveri,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 25, 79.—
    Pass. with inf., they say I am not, etc.:

    casta negor (sc. esse),

    Ov. F. 4, 321:

    saepe domi non es, cum sis quoque saepe negaris,

    Mart. 2, 5, 5:

    ex eo negantur ibi ranae coaxare,

    Suet. Aug. 94:

    ciconiae pullum qui ederit, negatur annis continuis lippiturus,

    Plin. 29, 6, 38, § 128.—
    In partic.
    To deny a thing;

    factum est: non nego,

    Ter. Ad. 5, 3, 12;

    opp. fateri,

    Cic. Brut. 19, 76:

    sed posthac omnia, quae certa non erunt, pro certo negato,

    id. Att. 5, 21, 5:

    negaturum aut me pro M. Fulvio, aut ipsum M. Fulvium censetis?

    Liv. 38, 43:

    negando minuendove,

    Suet. Caes. 66:

    mitto enim domestica, quae negari possunt,

    i. e. the proof of which can be suppressed, Cic. Pis. 5, 11:

    videant servi ne quis neget,

    Juv. 10, 87.— With quin:

    negare non posse, quin rectius sit, etc.,

    Liv. 40, 36:

    quod si negari non potest, quin, etc.,

    Lact. 5, 23 init.
    To deny, refuse: quicquam quisquam cuiquam, quod ei conveniat, neget, Enn. ap. Auct. Her. 4, 12, 18 (Trag. v. 448 Vahl.):

    numquam reo cuiquam tam praecise negavi, quam hic mihi,

    Cic. Att. 8, 4, 2:

    postquam id obstinate sibi negari videt,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 6:

    alicui impune negare,

    Ov. M. 13, 741:

    patriae opem,

    id. H. 3, 96:


    id. Tr. 5, 8, 13:

    civitatem alicui,

    Suet. Aug. 40:

    non ego me vinclis verberibusque nego,

    Tib. 2, 3, 80; Luc. 8, 3:

    exstingui primordia tanta negabam,

    Sil. 9, 532:

    neque enim negare tibi quidquam potest,

    Vulg. 3 Reg. 2, 17.—
    Se, to refuse (ante class.):

    obsecrat, Ut sibi ejus faciat copiam: illa enim se negat,

    Ter. Phorm. 1, 2, 63; id. Hec. 1, 2, 45.—
    E s p., to decline an invitation:

    invitatus ad haec aliquis de ponte negabit,

    Juv. 14, 135.—
    Transf., of inanim. things ( poet.):

    poma negat regio,

    i. e. does not yield, produce, Ov. Tr. 3, 10, 73:

    nec mihi materiam bellatrix Roma negabat,

    id. ib. 2, 321:

    pars ventis vela negare,

    i. e. to furl the sails, Ov. M. 11, 487:

    si dextra neget,

    Stat. Th. 6, 553:

    saxa negantia ferro,

    opposing, id. Silv. 3, 1:

    illi membra negant,

    his limbs fail him, id. Th. 2, 668.—
    To deny any knowledge of, to reject (with acc. of persons;

    eccl. Lat.): negaverunt Dominum,

    Vulg. Jer. 5, 12:

    qui me negaverit,

    ib. Matt. 10, 33: Christum negantes, ib. Judae, 4.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > negumo

  • 16 negare

    Большой итальяно-русский словарь > negare

  • 17 negare

    ( rifiutare) refuse
    * * *
    negare v.tr.
    1 to deny: l'imputato nega l'accusa, the accused denies the charge (o pleads not guilty); nego che questo sia vero, I deny that this is true; negò di averlo visto, he denied having seen him; non nego che fra noi vi siano interessi comuni, I do not deny that we have common interests; non si può negare che abbia ragione, it cannot be denied that he is right; negare l'esistenza di Dio, to deny the existence of God; negare un fatto, to deny a fact; gli chiesero se la conosceva ed egli negò, they asked him if he knew her and he denied it
    2 ( rifiutare) to refuse, to deny: lei non gli nega mai nulla, she never refuses (o denies) him anything; negare l'autorizzazione, il consenso, to refuse (o to withhold) authorization, consent; negare un permesso, to refuse permission (anche dir.); negare il proprio aiuto, to refuse to help (o one's help); non ti negherò mai il mio appoggio, I'll never refuse (o deny) you my support // negare ogni lusso, to deny oneself every luxury // farsi negare al telefono, to get s.o. to say that one is not in
    3 ( rinnegare) to deny: Pietro negò il Signore, Peter denied his Master; negare la propria fede, il proprio paese, to deny one's faith, one's country.
    negarsi v.rifl.
    1 to pretend not to be in: negare al telefono, to pretend one is not in
    2 ( non concedersi sessualmente) to deny one's favours.
    * * *
    [ne'gare] 1.
    verbo transitivo
    1) (smentire) to deny [fatto, esistenza, errore, colpa]

    negare di aver fatto qcs. — to deny doing o having done sth.

    2) (rifiutare, non concedere) to deny [ accesso]; to refuse, to withhold* [consenso, permesso]

    negare a qcn. il diritto di fare — to deny sb. the right to do sth.

    vedersi negare qcs. — to be refused sth

    verbo intransitivo (aus. avere) to say* no
    verbo pronominale negarsi
    1) (privarsi di) to deny oneself [ piacere]
    2) (al telefono) to pretend one is not in
    * * *
    /ne'gare/ [1]
     1 (smentire) to deny [fatto, esistenza, errore, colpa]; negare che to deny that; negare di aver fatto qcs. to deny doing o having done sth.; non si può negare la sua popolarità there's no denying his popularity; negare l'evidenza to refuse to face up the facts
     2 (rifiutare, non concedere) to deny [ accesso]; to refuse, to withhold* [consenso, permesso]; negare a qcn. il diritto di fare to deny sb. the right to do sth.; vedersi negare qcs. to be refused sth.
     (aus. avere) to say* no; nega ostinatamente he persists in his denial; alla sua domanda negò when questioned he denied
    III negarsi verbo pronominale
     1 (privarsi di) to deny oneself [ piacere]
     2 (al telefono) to pretend one is not in.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > negare

  • 18 dico

    dĭco, āvi, ātum, 1 (dixe for dixisse, Val. Ant. ap. Arn. 5, 1; DICASSIT dixerit, Paul. ex Fest. p. 75, 15; rather = dicaverit), v. a. [orig. the same word with 2. dīco; cf. the meaning of abdĭco and abdīco, of indĭco and indīco, dedĭco, no. II. A. al., Corss. Ausspr. 1, 380].
    To proclaim, make known. So perh. only in the foll. passage: pugnam, Lucil. ap. Non. 287, 30.—Far more freq.,
    Relig. t. t., to dedicate, consecrate, devote any thing to a deity or to a deified person (for syn. cf.: dedico, consecro, inauguro).
    Prop.: et me dicabo atque animam devotabo hostibus, Att. ap. Non. 98, 12:

    donum tibi (sc. Jovi) dicatum atque promissum,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 72; cf.:

    ara condita atque dicata,

    Liv. 1, 7 (for which aram condidit dedicavitque, id. 28, 46 fin.); so,


    id. 1, 7; 1, 20:

    capitolium, templum Jovis O. M.,

    id. 22, 38 fin.:


    Ov. F. 1, 610:

    delubrum ex manubiis,

    Plin. 7, 26, 27, § 97:

    lychnuchum Apollini,

    id. 34, 3, 8, § 14:

    statuas Olympiae,

    id. 34, 4, 9, § 16:


    Tac. G. 40:

    carmen Veneri,

    Plin. 37, 10, 66, § 178; cf. Suet. Ner. 10 fin. et saep.:

    cygni Apollini dicati,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 30, 73.—
    With a personal object, to consecrate, to deify (cf. dedico, no. II. A. b.):

    Janus geminus a Numa dicatus,

    Plin. 34, 7, 16, § 34:

    inter numina dicatus Augustus,

    Tac. A. 1, 59.—
    Transf., beyond the relig. sphere.
    To give up, set apart, appropriate a thing to any one: recita;

    aurium operam tibi dico,

    Plaut. Bacch. 4, 9, 72; so,


    id. Ps. 1, 5, 147; Ter. Ph. 1, 2, 12:

    hunc totum diem tibi,

    Cic. Leg. 2, 3, 7:

    tuum studium meae laudi,

    id. Fam. 2, 6, 4:

    genus (orationis) epidicticum gymnasiis et palaestrae,

    id. Or. 13, 42:

    librum Maecenati,

    Plin. 19, 10, 57, § 177; cf.:

    librum laudibus ptisanae,

    id. 18, 7, 15, § 75 al.:

    (Deïopeam) conubio jungam stabili propriamque dicabo,

    Verg. A. 1, 73; cf. the same verse, ib. 4, 126:

    se Crasso,

    Cic. de Or. 3, 3, 11; cf.: se Remis in clientelam, * Caes. B. G. 6, 12, 7:

    se alii civitati,

    to become a free denizen of it, Cic. Balb. 11, 28;

    for which: se in aliam civitatem,

    id. ib. 12 fin.
    * 2.
    (I. q. dedico, no. II. A.) To consecrate a thing by using it for the first time:

    nova signa novamque aquilam,

    Tac. H. 5, 16.— Hence, dĭcātus, a, um, P. a. (acc. to no. II.), devoted, consecrated, dedicated:

    loca Christo dedicatissima, August. Civ. Dei, 3, 31: CONSTANTINO AETERNO AVGVSTO ARRIVS DIOTIMVS... N. M. Q. (i. e. numini majestatique) EIVS DICATISSIMVS,

    Inscr. Orell. 1083.
    dīco, xi, ctum, 3 ( praes. DEICO, Inscr. Orell. 4848; imp. usu. dic; cf. duc, fac, fer, from duco, etc., DEICVNTO, and perf. DEIXSERINT, P. C. de Therm. ib. 3673; imp. dice, Naev. ap. Fest. p. 298, 29 Müll.; Plaut. Capt. 2, 2, 109; id. Bac. 4, 4, 65; id. Merc. 1, 2, 47 al.; cf. Quint. 1, 6, 21; fut. dicem = dicam, Cato ap. Quint. 1, 7, 23; cf. Paul. ex Fest. p. 72, 6 Müll.—Another form of the future is dicebo, Novius ap. Non. 507 (Com. v. 8 Rib.). — Perf. sync.:


    Plaut. As. 4, 2, 14; id. Trin. 2, 4, 155; id. Mil. 2, 4, 12 et saep.; Ter. And. 3, 1, 1; 3, 2, 38; id. Heaut. 2, 3, 100 et saep.; Cic. Fin. 2, 3, 10; id. N. D. 3, 9, 23; id. Caecin. 29, 82; acc. to Quint. 9, 3, 22.— Perf. subj.:


    Plaut. Capt. 1, 2, 46; Caecil. ap. Gell. 7, 17 fin.:

    dixem = dixissem,

    Plaut. Pseud. 1, 5, 84; inf. dixe = dix isse, Plaut. Fragm. ap. Non. 105, 23; Varr. ib. 451, 16; Arn. init.; Aus. Sept. Sap. de Cleob. 8; inf. praes. pass. dicier, Ter. Eun. 4, 4, 32; Vatin. in Cic. Fam. 5, 9 al.), v. a. [root DIC = DEIK in deiknumi; lit., to show; cf. dikê, and Lat. dicis, ju-dex, dicio], to say, tell, mention, relate, affirm, declare, state; to mean, intend (for syn. cf.: for, loquor, verba facio, dicto, dictito, oro, inquam, aio, fabulor, concionor, pronuntio, praedico, recito, declamo, affirmo, assevero, contendo; also, nomino, voco, alloquor, designo, nuncupo; also, decerno, jubeo, statuo, etc.; cf. also, nego.—The person addressed is usually put in dat., v. the foll.: dicere ad aliquem, in eccl. Lat., stands for the Gr. eipein pros tina, Vulg. Luc. 2, 34 al.; cf. infra I. B. 2. g).
    In gen.:

    Amphitruonis socium nae me esse volui dicere,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 228:

    advenisse familiarem dicito,

    id. ib. 1, 1, 197:

    haec uti sunt facta ero dicam,

    id. ib. 1, 1, 304; cf. ib. 2, 1, 23:

    signi dic quid est?

    id. ib. 1, 1, 265:

    si dixero mendacium,

    id. ib. 1, 1, 43; cf.

    opp. vera dico,

    id. ib. 1, 1, 238 al.:

    quo facto aut dicto adest opus,

    id. ib. 1, 1, 15; cf.:

    dictu opus est,

    Ter. Heaut. 5, 1, 68:

    nihil est dictu facilius,

    id. Phorm. 2, 1, 70:

    turpe dictu,

    id. Ad. 2, 4, 11:

    indignis si male dicitur, bene dictum id esse dico,

    Plaut. Curc. 4, 2, 27:

    ille, quem dixi,

    whom I have mentioned, named, Cic. de Or. 3, 12, 45 et saep.: vel dicam = vel potius, or rather:

    stuporem hominis vel dicam pecudis attendite,

    Cic. Phil. 2, 12, 30; cf.:

    mihi placebat Pomponius maxime vel dicam minime displicebat,

    id. Brut. 57, 207; so id. ib. 70, 246; id. Fam. 4, 7, 3 al.—
    Dicitur, dicebatur, dictum est, impers. with acc. and inf., it is said, related, maintained, etc.; or, they say, affirm, etc.: de hoc (sc. Diodoro) Verri dicitur, habere eum, etc., it is reported to Verres that, etc., Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 18:

    non sine causa dicitur, ad ea referri omnes nostras cogitationes,

    id. Fin. 3, 18, 60; so,


    Nep. Paus. 5, 3; Quint. 5, 7, 33; 7, 2, 44; Ov. F. 4, 508:

    Titum multo apud patrem sermone orasse dicebatur, ne, etc.,

    Tac. H. 4, 52; so,


    id. A. 1, 10:

    in hac habitasse platea dictum'st Chrysidem,

    Ter. And. 4, 5, 1:

    dictum est,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 1, 5; Liv. 38, 56; Quint. 6, 1, 27:

    ut pulsis hostibus dici posset, eos, etc.,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 46, 3. Cf. also: hoc, illud dicitur, with acc. and inf., Cic. Fin. 5, 24, 72; id. de Or. 1, 33, 150; Quint. 4, 2, 91; 11, 3, 177 al. —Esp. in histt. in reference to what has been previously related:

    ut supra dictum est,

    Sall. J. 96, 1:

    sicut ante dictum est,

    Nep. Dion. 9, 5; cf. Curt. 3, 7, 7; 5, 1, 11; 8, 6, 2 et saep.—
    (See Zumpt, Gram. § 607.) Dicor, diceris, dicitur, with nom. and inf., it is said that I, thou, he, etc.; or, they say that I, thou, etc.:

    ut nos dicamur duo omnium dignissimi esse,

    Plaut. As. 2, 2, 47: cf. Quint. 4, 4, 6:

    dicar Princeps Aeolium carmen ad Italos Deduxisse modos,

    Hor. Od. 3, 30, 10 al.:

    illi socius esse diceris,

    Plaut. Rud. 1, 2, 72: aedes Demaenetus ubi [p. 571] dicitur habitare, id. As. 2, 3, 2:

    qui (Pisistratus) primus Homeri libros confusos antea sic disposuisse dicitur, ut nunc habemus,

    Cic. de Or. 3, 34, 137 et saep.:

    quot annos nata dicitur?

    Plaut. Cist. 4, 2, 89:

    is nunc dicitur venturus peregre,

    id. Truc. 1, 1, 66 et saep. In a double construction, with nom. and inf., and acc. and inf. (acc. to no. b. and c.): petisse dicitur major Titius... idque ab eis facile (sc. eum) impetrasse, Auct. B. Afr. 28 fin.; so Suet. Oth. 7.—
    Dictum ac factum or dictum factum (Gr. hama epos hama ergon), in colloq. lang., no sooner said than done, without delay, Ter. And. 2, 3, 7:

    dictum ac factum reddidi,

    it was "said and done" with me, id. Heaut. 4, 5, 12; 5, 1, 31; cf.:

    dicto citius,

    Verg. A. 1, 142; Hor. S. 2, 2, 80; and:

    dicto prope citius,

    Liv. 23, 47, 6.—
    In partic.
    To assert, affirm a thing as certain (opp. nego):

    quem esse negas, eundem esse dicis,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 6, 12; cf.:

    dicebant, ego negabam,

    id. Fam. 3, 8, 5; and:

    quibus creditum non sit negantibus, iisdem credatur dicentibus?

    id. Rab. Post. 12, 35.—
    For dico with a negative, nego is used, q. v.; cf. Zumpt, Gram. § 799;

    but: dicere nihil esse pulchrius, etc.,

    Liv. 30, 12, 6; 21, 9, 3 Fabri; so,

    freq. in Liv. when the negation precedes,

    id. 30, 22, 5; 23, 10, 13 al.; cf. Krebs, Antibar. p. 355.—
    dico is often inserted parenthetically, to give emphasis to an apposition:

    utinam C. Caesari, patri, dico adulescenti contigisset, etc.,

    Cic. Phil. 5, 18, 49; id. Tusc. 5, 36, 105; id. Planc. 12, 30; Quint. 9, 2, 83; cf. Cic. Or. 58, 197; id. Tusc. 4, 16, 36; Sen. Ep. 14, 6; id. Vit. Beat. 15, 6; Quint. 1, 6, 24:

    ille mihi praesidium dederat, cum dico mihi, senatui dico populoque Romano,

    Cic. Phil. 11, 8, 20; Sen. Ep. 83, 12; Plin. Ep. 2, 20, 2; 3, 2, 2.—
    In rhetor. and jurid. lang., to pronounce, deliver, rehearse, speak any thing.
    With acc.:

    oratio dicta de scripto,

    Cic. Planc. 30 fin.; cf.:

    sententiam de scripto,

    id. Att. 4, 3, 3:


    Quint. 3, 8, 51; 9, 2, 77:

    prooemium ac narrationem et argumenta,

    id. 2, 20, 10:


    id. 11, 3, 161:

    theses et communes locos,

    id. 2, 1, 9:


    id. 2, 4, 41:


    Cic. Or. 56, 189; Quint. 6, 3, 86:

    causam, of the defendant or his attorney,

    to make a defensive speech, to plead in defence, Cic. Rosc. Am. 5; id. Quint. 8; id. Sest. 8; Quint. 5, 11, 39; 7, 4, 3; 8, 2, 24 al.; cf.

    causas (said of the attorney),

    Cic. de Or. 1, 2, 5; 2, 8, 32 al.:


    to pronounce judgment, id. Fl. 3; id. Fam. 13, 14; hence the praetor's formula: DO, DICO, ADDICO; v. do, etc.—
    With ad and acc. pers., to plead before a person or tribunal:

    ad unum judicem,

    Cic. Opt. Gen. 4, 10:

    ad quos? ad me, si idoneus videor qui judicem, etc.,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 29, § 72; Liv. 3, 41.—
    With ad and acc. of thing, to speak in reference to, in reply to:

    non audeo ad ista dicere,

    Cic. Tusc. 3, 32, 78; id. Rep. 1, 18, 30.—

    nec idem loqui, quod dicere,

    Cic. Or. 32:

    est oratoris proprium, apte, distincte, ornate dicere,

    id. Off. 1, 1, 2; so,

    de aliqua re pro aliquo, contra aliquem, etc., innumerable times in Cic. and Quint.: dixi, the t. t. at the end of a speech,

    I have done, Cic. Verr. 1 fin. Ascon. and Zumpt, a. h. 1.;

    thus, dixerunt, the t. t. by which the praeco pronounced the speeches of the parties to be finished,

    Quint. 1, 5, 43; cf. Spald. ad Quint. 6, 4, 7.— Transf. beyond the judicial sphere:

    causam nullam or causam haud dico,

    I have no objection, Plaut. Mil. 5, 34; id. Capt. 3, 4, 92; Ter. Ph. 2, 1, 42.—
    To describe, relate, sing, celebrate in writing (mostly poet.):

    tibi dicere laudes,

    Tib. 1, 3, 31; so,

    laudes Phoebi et Dianae,

    Hor. C. S. 76:

    Dianam, Cynthium, Latonam,

    id. C. 1, 21, 1:

    Alciden puerosque Ledae,

    id. ib. 1, 12, 25:

    caelestes, pugilemve equumve,

    id. ib. 4, 2, 19:

    Pelidae stomachum,

    id. ib. 1, 6, 5:


    id. Ep. 1, 16, 26; Liv. 7, 29:


    Hor. C. 1, 32, 3; id. C. S. 8; Tib. 2, 1, 54:


    Hor. C. 3, 11, 7:

    silvestrium naturas,

    Plin. 15, 30, 40, § 138 et saep.:

    temporibus Augusti dicendis non defuere decora ingenia,

    Tac. A. 1, 1; id. H. 1, 1:

    vir neque silendus neque dicendus sine cura,

    Vell. 2, 13.—
    Of prophecies, to predict, foretell:

    bellicosis fata Quiritibus Hac lege dico, ne, etc.,

    Hor. C. 3, 3, 58:

    sortes per carmina,

    id. A. P. 403:


    id. S. 2, 5, 59:

    hoc (Delphi),

    Ov. Tr. 4, 8, 43 et saep.—
    To pronounce, articulate a letter, syllable, word: Demosthenem scribit Phalereus, cum Rho dicere nequiret, etc., Cic. Div. 2, 46, 96; id. de Or. 1, 61, 260; Quint. 1, 4, 8; 1, 7, 21 al.—
    To call, to name: habitum quendam vitalem corporis esse, harmoniam Graii quam dicunt, Lucr. 3, 106; cf.: Latine dicimus elocutionem, quam Graeci phrasin vocant, Quint. 8, 1, 1:

    Chaoniamque omnem Trojano a Chaone dixit,

    Verg. A. 3, 335:

    hic ames dici pater atque princeps,

    Hor. Od. 1, 2, 50:

    uxor quondam tua dicta,

    Verg. A. 2, 678 et saep. —Prov.:

    dici beatus ante obitum nemo debet,

    Ov. M. 3, 135.—
    To name, appoint one to an office:

    ut consules roget praetor vel dictatorem dicat,

    Cic. Att. 9, 15, 2: so,


    Liv. 5, 9; 7, 26; 8, 29:


    id. 10, 15; 24, 9; 26, 22 (thrice):

    magistrum equitum,

    id. 6, 39:


    id. 9, 46:

    arbitrum bibendi,

    Hor. Od. 2, 7, 26 et saep.—
    To appoint, set apart. fix upon, settle:

    nam mea bona meis cognatis dicam, inter eos partiam,

    Plaut. Mil. 3, 1, 113; cf. Pompon. ap. Non. 280, 19:

    dotis paululum vicino suo,

    Afran. ib. 26:

    pecuniam omnem suam doti,

    Cic. Fl. 35: quoniam inter nos nuptiae sunt dictae, Afran. ap. Non. 280, 24; cf.:

    diem nuptiis,

    Ter. And. 1, 1, 75:

    diem operi,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 57:

    diem juris,

    Plaut. Men. 4, 2, 16:

    diem exercitui ad conveniendum Pharas,

    Liv. 36, 8; cf. id. 42, 28, and v. dies:

    locum consiliis,

    id. 25, 16:

    leges pacis,

    id. 33, 12; cf.:

    leges victis,

    id. 34, 57:

    legem tibi,

    Hor. Ep. 2, 2, 18; Ov. M. 6, 137; cf.:

    legem sibi,

    to give sentence upon one's self, id. ib. 13, 72:

    pretium muneri,

    Hor. C. 4, 8, 12 et saep.—With inf.: prius data est, quam tibi dari dicta, Pac. ap. Non. 280, 28. — Pass. impers.:

    eodem Numida inermis, ut dictum erat, accedit,

    Sall. J. 113, 6.—
    To utter, express, esp. in phrases:

    non dici potest, dici vix potest, etc.: non dici potest quam flagrem desiderio urbis,

    Cic. Att. 5, 11, 1; 5, 17, 5:

    dici vix potest quanta sit vis, etc.,

    id. Leg. 2, 15, 38; id. Verr. 2, 4, 57, § 127; id. Or. 17, 55; id. Red. ad Quir. 1, 4; cf. Quint. 2, 2, 8; 11, 3, 85.—
    (Mostly in colloq. lang.) Alicui, like our vulg. to tell one so and so, for to admonish, warn, threaten him:

    dicebam, pater, tibi, ne matri consuleres male,

    Plaut. As. 5, 2, 88; cf. Nep. Datam. 5; Ov. Am. 1, 14, 1.—Esp. freq.:

    tibi (ego) dico,

    I tell you, Plaut. Curc. 4, 2, 30; id. Bacch. 4, 9, 76; id. Men. 2, 3, 27; id. Mil. 2, 2, 62 et saep.; Ter. And. 1, 2, 33 Ruhnk.; id. ib. 4, 4, 23; id. Eun. 2, 3, 46; 87; Phaedr. 4, 19, 18; cf.:

    tibi dicimus,

    Ov. H. 20, 153; id. M. 9, 122; so, dixi, I have said it, i. e. you may depend upon it, it shall be done, Ter. Phorm. 2, 3, 90; 92.—
    Dicere sacramentum or sacramento, to take an oath, to swear; v. sacramentum.
    Transf., i. q. intellego, Gr. phêmi, to mean so and so; it may sometimes be rendered in English by namely, to wit:

    nec quemquam vidi, qui magis ea, quae timenda esse negaret, timeret, mortem dico et deos,

    Cic. N. D. 1, 31, 86; id. de Or. 3, 44, 174: M. Sequar ut institui divinum illum virum, quem saepius fortasse laudo quam necesse est. At. Platonem videlicet dicis, id. Leg. 3, 1:

    uxoris dico, non tuam,

    Plaut. As. 1, 1, 30 et saep.—Hence, dictum, i, n., something said, i. e. a saying, a word.
    In gen.: haut doctis dictis certantes sed male dictis, Enn. ap. Gell. 20, 10 (Ann. v. 274 Vahl.; acc. to Hertz.: nec maledictis); so,

    istaec dicta dicere,

    Plaut. Trin. 1, 2, 40:


    id. ib. 2, 2, 99; id. Men. 2, 1, 24; Lucr. 5, 113; cf.


    Plaut. Poen. 3, 2, 3:


    id. As. 2, 4, 1:


    id. Capt. 3, 1, 22:


    Cic. Fam. 1, 9:

    ferocibus dictis rem nobilitare,

    Liv. 23, 47, 4 al.:

    ob admissum foede dictumve superbe,

    Lucr. 5, 1224; cf.


    Plaut. Capt. 1, 2, 73; id. Poen. 3, 3, 24; Ter. Eun. 2, 2, 57; Cic. Off. 1, 29, 104 al.:


    Plaut. Most. 1, 3, 103:


    id. Capt. 1, 1, 3:


    Nep. Alc. 8, 4:


    Hor. A. P. 449 et saep.—Pleon.:

    feci ego istaec dicta quae vos dicitis (sc. me fecisse),

    Plaut. Casin. 5, 4, 17.—
    In partic.
    A saying, maxim, proverb:

    aurea dicta,

    Lucr. 3, 12; cf.


    id. 6, 24: Catonis est dictum. Pedibus compensari pecuniam, Cic. Fl. 29 fin. Hence, the title of a work by Caesar: Dicta collectanea (his Apophthegmata, mentioned in Cic. Fam. 9, 16), Suet. Caes. 56.—Esp. freq.,
    For facete dictum, a witty saying, bon-mot, Enn. ap. Cic. de Or. 2, 54 fin. (cf. Cic. ap. Macr. S. 2, 1 fin.); Cic. Phil. 2, 17; Quint. 6, 3, 2; 16; 36; Liv. 7, 33, 3; Hor. A. P. 273 et saep.; cf. also, dicterium.—
    Poetry, verse (abstr. and concr.): dicti studiosus, Enn. ap. Cic. Brut. 18, 71:

    rerum naturam expandere dictis,

    Lucr. 1, 126; 5, 56:

    Ennius hirsuta cingat sua dicta corona,

    Prop. 4 (5), 1, 61.—
    A prediction, prophecy, Lucr. 1, 103; Verg. A. 2, 115; Val. Fl. 2, 326 al.; cf. dictio.—
    An order, command:

    dicto paruit consul,

    Liv. 9, 41; cf. Verg. A. 3, 189; Ov. M. 8, 815:

    haec dicta dedit,

    Liv. 3, 61; cf. id. 7, 33; 8, 34; 22, 25 al.: dicto audientem esse and dicto audire alicui, v. audio.—
    A promise, assurance:

    illi dixerant sese dedituros... Cares, tamen, non dicto capti, etc.,

    Nep. Milt. 2, 5; Fur. ap. Macr. S. 6, 1, 34.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > dico

  • 19 zweifeln

    [2858] zweifeln, dubitare. – dubium esse. in dubio esse (zweifelhaft sein). – dubitatione aestuare (in beunruhigender Ungewißheit schweben). – animo od. animi pendēre (unschlüssig sein). – an etwas z., dubitare de alqa re (mit dem Akkusat. im klass. Latein nur, wenn dieser ein Pronomen ist); alci rei diffidere, non confidere (einer Sache mißtrauen, z.B. saluti suae [an seiner Rettung]): mehr an dem Mute als an der Treue seiner Soldaten z., magis non confidere, quam noncredere militibus suis). – ein wenig z., subdubitare; addubitare: nicht mehr z., dubitare desinere: ich zweifle, ob oder daß etc., du bito, num etc.; nego m. folg. Akk. u. Infin. (ich leugne); non puto m. folg. Akk. u. Infin. (ich glaube nicht, daß etc.): ich zweifle nicht (daran), daß etc., non dubito od. non est mihi dubium, quin etc.; non nego m. folg. Akk. u. Infin. (ich leugne nicht, daß etc.): niemand zweifelt daran, daß etc., nemini dubium est, quin etc.; haud cuique in dubio est m. folg. Akk. u. Infin.: wird da noch jemand zweifeln, daß etc.? et quisquam dubitabit, quin etc.?

    deutsch-lateinisches > zweifeln

  • 20 aio

    āio, verb. defect. The forms in use are: pres. indic. āio, ăis, ait—aiunt; subj. aias, aiat—aiant; imperf. indic. throughout, aiebam, aiebas, etc.; imper. ai, rare; part. pres. aiens, rare; once in App. M. 6, p. 178 Elm.; and once as P. a. in Cic. Top. 11, 49, v. below. Cic. wrote the pres. aiio, acc. to Quint. 1, 4, 11.—From ais with the interrog. part. ne, ain is used in colloquial language. For imperf. also aibas, Plaut. Trin. 2, 4, 28; Ter. Ad. 4, 2, 22:


    Plaut. Trin. 4, 2, 33; 5, 2, 16:


    id. ib. 1, 2, 175; 4, 2, 102; Ter. And. 3, 3, 3; ai is dissyl., but in the imper. also monosyl., Plaut. Truc. 5, 49; cf. Bentl. ad Ter. Ad. 4, 6, 5. Acc. to Prisc. 818 P., the pres. ait seems to take the place of a perf., but acc. to Val. Prob. 1482 P., there was a real perf. ai, aisti, ait;

    as aisti,

    Aug. Ep. 54 and 174:


    Tert. Fuga in Persec. 6; the pres. inf. aiere is found in Aug. Trin. 9, 10 [cf. êmi = I say; Sanscr. perf. 3d sing. āha = he spake; ad ag ium, ad ag io; negare for ne ig are; Umbr. ai tu = dicito; Engl. aye = yea, yes, and Germ. ja], to say yes, to assent (opp. nego, to say no; with the ending - tumo, aiutumo; contract. autumo; opp. negumo; v. autumo).
    In gen.: vel ai vel nega, Naev. ap. Prisc. 473 P.:

    veltu mihi aias vel neges,

    Plaut. Rud. 2, 4, 14:

    negat quis? nego. Ait? aio,

    Ter. Eun. 2, 2, 21:

    Diogenes ait, Antipater negat,

    Cic. Off. 3, 23:

    quasi ego id curem, quid ille aiat aut neget,

    id. Fin. 2, 22; so id. Rab. Post. 12, 34.—
    To say, affirm, or assert something (while dicere signifies to speak in order to inform, and affirmare, to speak in affirmation, Doed. Syn. 4, 6 sq.—Therefore different from inquam, I say, I reply, since aio is commonly used in indirect, and inquam in direct discourse; cf. Doed. as cited above; Herz. ad Sall. C. 48, 3; and Ramsh. Gr. 800).
    In indirect discourse: insanam autem illam (sc. esse) aiunt, quia, etc., Pac. ap. Cic. Her. 2, 23, 36; Plaut. Capt. 1, 1, 3: Ch. Hodie uxorem ducis? Pa. Aiunt, they say so, id. ib. 2, 1, 21:

    ait hac laetitiā Deiotarum elatum vino se obruisse,

    Cic. Deiot. 9:

    debere eum aiebat, etc.,

    id. Verr. 2, 1, 18:

    Tarquinium a Cicerone immissum aiebant,

    Sall. C. 48, 8:

    Vos sapere et solos aio bene vivere,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 15, 45; id. S. 1, 2, 121; id. Ep. 1, 1, 88; 1, 7, 22.—
    In direct discourse: Ennio delector, ait quispiam, quod non discedit a communi more verborum;

    Pacuvio, inquit alius,

    Cic. Or. 11, 36:

    Vos o, quibus integer aevi Sanguis, ait, solidaeque, etc.,

    Verg. A. 2, 639; 6, 630; 7, 121;

    12, 156: O fortunati mercatores! gravis annis Miles ait,

    Hor. S. 1, 1, 4; id. Ep. 1, 15, 40; 1, 16, 47; id. S. 2, 7, 72; 1, 3, 22.—
    With acc.:

    Causa optumast, Nisi quid pater ait aliud,

    Ter. And. 5, 4, 47:

    Admirans ait haec,

    Cat. 5, 3, 4; 63, 84:

    Haec ait,

    Verg. A. 1, 297; v. B.—
    Simply to speak, and esp. in the form of transition, sic ait, thus he speaks or says (cf. the Hom. hôs phato):

    Sic ait, et dicto citius tumida aequora placat,

    Verg. A. 1, 142; 5, 365; 9, 749.—

    Also of what follows: Sic ait in molli fixa toro cubitum: “Tandem,” etc.,

    Prop. 1, 3, 34.—
    Ut ait quispiam (regularly in this order in Cic.), in quoting an unusual expression, as one says:

    ut ait Statius noster in Synephebis,

    Cic. Sen. 7:

    ut ait Homerus,

    id. ib. 10:

    ut ait Theophrastus,

    id. Tusc. 1, 19, 45:

    ut ait Thucydides,

    Nep. Them. 2:

    ut ait Cicero,

    Quint. 7, 1, 51; 8, 6, 73; 9, 4, 40;

    9, 56, 60: ut Cicero ait,

    id. 10, 7, 14; 12, 3, 11:

    ut Demosthenes ait,

    id. 11, 1, 22:

    ut rumor ait,

    Prop. 5, 4, 47: uti mos vester ait, Hor S. 2, 7, 79.—So without def. subject:

    ut ait in Synephebis,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 14, 31.—
    Aiunt, ut aiunt, quemadmodum or quod aiunt, in quoting a proverbial or technical phrase, as they say, as is said, as the saying is (Gr. to legomenon, hôs phasi; Fr. on dit;

    Germ. man sagt), either placed after it or interposed: eum rem fidemque perdere aiunt,

    Plaut. Curc. 4, 2, 18: ut quimus, aiunt;

    quando, ut volumus, non licet,

    Ter. And. 4, 5, 10:

    docebo sus, ut aiunt, oratorem eum,

    Cic. de Or. 2, 57:

    Iste claudus, quemadmodum aiunt, pilam,

    id. Pis. 28 B. and K. —Also in telling an anecdote:

    conspexit, ut aiunt, Adrasum quendam vacuā tonsoris in umbrā,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 7, 49; 1, 17, 18.—
    In judic. lang.: ait lex, ait praetor, etc., the law, the prœtor says, i. e. prescribes, commands:

    ut ait lex Julia,

    Dig. 24, 3, 64:

    Praetor ait, in eadem causā eum exhibere, etc.,

    ib. 2, 9, 1:

    Aiunt aediles, qui mancipia vendunt, etc.,

    ib. 21, 1, 1:

    Ait oratio, fas esse eum, etc.,

    ib. 24, 1, 32 al. —
    Ain? = aisne? also often strengthened: ain tu? ain tute? ain tandem? ain vero? in conversational lang., a form of interrogation which includes the idea of surprise or wonder, sometimes also of reproof or sorrow, do you really mean so? indeed? really? is it possible? often only an emphatic what? Plaut. Ep. 3, 4, 73: Merc. Servus esne an liber? Sos. Utcumque animo conlibitumst meo. Merc. Ain vero? Sos. Aio enim vero, id. ib. 3, 4, 188; id. Am. 1, 1, 128: Phil. Pater, inquam, aderit jam hic meus. Call. Ain tu, pater? id. Most. 2, 1, 36; id. Ep. 5, 2, 33; id. Aul. 2, 2, 9; id. Curc. 2, 3, 44; Ter. Hec. 3, 4, 1; id. Eun. 3, 5, 19 al:

    Ain tu? Scipio hic Metellus proavum suum nescit censorem non fuisse?

    Cic. Att. 6, 1; 4, 5 al.:

    ain tute,

    Plaut. Truc. 1, 2, 90:

    ain tandem ita esse, ut dicis?

    id. Aul. 2, 4, 19; so id. As. 5, 2, 47; id. Trin. 4, 2, 145; Ter. And. 5, 3, 4:

    ain tandem? insanire tibi videris, quod, etc.,

    Cic. Fam. 9, 21 Manut.; id. Att. 6, 2.—Also with a plur. verb (cf. age with plur. verb, s. v. ago, IV. a.):

    ain tandem? inquit, num castra vallata non habetis?

    Liv. 10, 25.—
    Quid ais? (as in conversation).—
    With the idea of surprise, astonishment, Ti legeis (cf. Quid dixisti? Ter. And. 3, 4, 14; id. Eun. 5, 6, 16, Ti eipas); what do you say? what? Merc. Quis herus est igitur tibi? Sos. Amphitruo, quicum nuptast Alcumena. Merc. Quid ais? Quid nomen tibist? Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 208; so Ter. And. 4, 1, 42; id. Heaut. 5, 1, 27.—
    When one asks [p. 79] another for his meaning, opinion, or judgment, what do you mean? what do you say or think? Th. Ita me di ament, honestust. Pa. Quid tu ais, Gnatho? Num quid habes, quod contemnas? Quid tu autem, Thraso? Ter. Eun. 3, 2, 21: Hunc ais? Do you mean this man? (= dicis, q. v., II.) Pers. 4, 27.—
    When one wishes to try or prove another, what is your opinion? what do you say? Sed quid ais? quid Amphitruoni [dono] a Telebois datumst? Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 262.—Hence, * āiens, entis, P. a., affirming, affirmative (usu. affirmativus):

    negantia contraria aientibus,

    Cic. Top. 11, 49.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > aio

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